New Year, New Project... Type!

Well well well, we're a month into 2018 already! Since I did so well with my "blogging" last year, I've come up with a plan to keep the posts coming at a more stable rate in 2018. I've got 6 "smallish" projects to complete over the next year (that works out to 1 side project every 2 months... math, am-I-right!?) which should translate into at least 6 posts for the year.

Anyways, the first project is a typography exercise that I've been meaning to do forever... You see, my wife has some pretty solid handwriting, and multiple people have mentioned that it should be turned into a font over the years. So here we are, and unfortunately when it comes to authoring fonts, the most experience I have is occasionally editing a missing glyph or two. I've certainly never created a font from scratch. But, thanks to this handy guide, I was able to put something together resembling my wife's handwriting.

Check it out below and feel free to give it a download! Hopefully I've done her handwriting some justice... although we discussed that it might look too close to Comic Sans, ha!

DOWNLOAD  - Stephanie Font (zip contains .otf font, sample and agreement)

Keep reading below if your interested in my thoughts on the process...

Source handwriting

Some musings...

Type making / designing is certainly more than an afternoons worth of work (and wow, do I apologize for the terrible job that I did with this). Most of my career thus far has involved me choosing appropriate typefaces for various projects. After dipping my toes in, I feel I have a ton more to learn about kerning, the anatomy of type, and so forth.

If I were to do this again, I would likely experiment with various stroke widths and building a more consistent typeface before hastily authoring a font. I manually adjusted the characters a bit to have similar xHeights, but I probably should have been more precise. And of course it would of helped if I read a bit more literature on the subject before going all willy nilly with this project!

Vectorizing and comparison to source material