Sci-Fi Interfaces

Last year I had the idea to create some sort of futuristic interface with the Unity game engine… and… well… that idea came and went ( goodbye 2018 ). Fortunately, I’ve been going through a bit of a sci-fi kick over the past few weeks and I’ve finally been able to bring that initial idea to fruition. Akin to something you would see in “Iron Man”, I did my best to channel my inner J.A.R.V.I.S… with a series of sci-fi interfaces.

My basic workflow was something like this: Concept / create vector artwork within Illustrator > Export PNGs of needed assets > Import into Unity > Arrange, animate, add post-processing, and season-to-taste. And let me get this out of the way, It’s mostly eye candy, not too much thinking went into how these could be actually usable.

A word of warning… there are a few heavy GIFs below, so it may take a bit to load.

The first interface I made is your basic loading animation… You know, glowy circles, various z-depth, animated bits and bobs, that sort of fun stuff… Somehow it might be my favorite.


This next interface went in a bit of a different direction. I imagined some sort of load up sequence for an informational display. Fun-fact (ok maybe not), the hexagon + black and yellow color scheme were based on the ever-reliable worker bee. I continued playing with animations, discovering the joys of nested prefabs within Unity and adding more and more tech noise.


Finally, with this last piece, I really wanted to push the depth a bit more which you can see with the speed lines. I took the approach of presenting it as some sort of military HUD, obviously completely unusable with way too much information in it, but, as far as a futuristic piece of art I think it certainly works.
