Here's a peek at some interface work I did on a (sadly) cancelled / unannounced project from last year. This work represents about 4 weeks of time that I was on the project, but I think the general concept for the game was pretty neat...
Without proper preparation, localization is one of those areas that can come back to cause major headaches later in production. Because of this, It is of utmost importance to take care that localization needs are met. This will keep bug counts low and make our lives easier down the road...
When tackling complex interface projects (such as creating games :D ), it's useful to visualize the information that is needed. Before making anything pretty, the two methods to help visualize and communicate this information are user flows and wireframes...
As I've been making interfaces for games for quite some time now, I've noticed that there is not exactly a plethora of resources out there about what exactly a game UI artist does and who might be good for the role. I want to change that! I'm going to share some thoughts about what I see the Game UI Designer role as and who might make a great fit for this career...